Richard Ong

founder + executive director

After spending many years in and around the education field, Richard developed Little Design Lab in order to fill a gap that was missing in the K-12 curriculum. Being fortunate enough to be guided by many teachers and mentors throughout his own education at both Bowdoin College and MIT, Richard seeks to share what he has learned with those who will follow. He aspires to provide a little push and a few resources to as many deserving students as he can, because he knows the vast potential that each one of them has.

Completing a short stint in the world of architecture, Richard moved on to engineer scenery and stage sets for various TV programs as a Fabrication Designer. Some projects include: Family Feud, Stand Up 2 Cancer, Golden Globes, MTV Music Video Awards and The Oscars. However, he now spends his days working with young people at the Quarry Lane School, where he feels very fortunate to work with such wonderful and promising students.